Opening Doors – renting for all
OPENING DOORS – Renting for All is information for people with a disability, led by people with a disability that will guide you through the process of renting and connect you to information about the world of Real Estate.
You will hear personal stories on our website and DVD with easy to access videos which will get you thinking as you begin looking for your new home, whether is it in the city, the suburbs or the country.
The SARU is managed by AMIDA, Reinforce, Brain Injury Matters and Start Community Art to develop and resource self advocacy groups across Victoria for people with an intellectual disability, a brain injury or complex communication needs. Our motto is ‘We are stronger when we work together’. SARU produces newsletters, ememo’s and other information and training resources for self advocacy groups. You can call 9639 6856 or email
SARU has received a Highly Commended Award at the Victorian Disability Sector Awards 2015 – Excellence in Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award
New!: NDIS Appeals Support Service
AMIDA has received funding from the Department of Social Services to offer free support to NDIS participants and people who may be eligible for the NDIS.
If you or someone you know is unhappy with decisions made by the NDIA, please click here for more information.
Getting into the Act
A project of SARU to develop a DVD, booklet and training on the Disability Act 2006 for self advocacy groups. Copies of the book & DVD can be posted to groups and free training is available for self advocacy groups.
Phone 9639 6856
Getting into the Act Book ACTbook (pdf)
ACT resources group
The ACT Resources Group (ARG) is a project AMIDA supports with Reinforce, Brain Injury Matters and Start Community Art. We are developing a web site containing interesting and accessible information about the Victorian Disability Act. There will be films, audio, links to good web sites and lot of information about Planning, Complaints, Information and Services provided under the Disability Act 2006. There are at least 18 short films we have created that help show how fine words in a law become quality services that really put people first.
What is Housing, Know Your Rights Training all about?
AMIDA‘s FREE training sessions are approximately 2 hours duration. All training sessions are individually planned and organised to suit residents of each house we visit. The training is run by a registered trainer along with a peer support facilitator. Residents may invite family or friends to join in the training session. Follow up sessions are available if requested or required.
All Training sessions are interactive in a fun and practical way to enable residents to learn about their Housing Rights and to feel more empowered in their own home. Rights are something that each and every person has to help make sure that we are all treated in a fair and equal manner. The Housing, Know Your Rights training explains and demonstrates to the Residents the way they should be treated in their home.
For more information or to talk with the Project Worker complete the “Expression of Interest” form or contact AMIDA on 9650 2722 or e-mail
AMIDA Housing Know Your Rights training AMIDAHOUSINGKNOWYOURRIGHTS (pdf)
Housing – Know Your Rights
The project aim
- to produce a DVD and Booklet to explain in clear plain English about Housing Rights for use by Residents of Community Residential Units
- to distribute the DVD & Booklet throughout Victoria’s Community Residential Units
- to develop, plan and conduct training sessions for residents and if requested family and friends
- to train a number of Peer Support Facilitators to assist with the delivery of training sessions
Any enquiries about the project or the FREE Training Session, interested people should contact the Project Worker by phoning: 9650 2722 or emailing:
Housing Know Your Rights – Group homes
These projects are supported by the Victorian government.