Our Vision
AMIDA supports people with a disability as valued members of our community. AMIDA recognises that people with disability contribute to and develop our community.
AMIDA acknowledges that people with disability have a right to a choice of who they live with and where they live. Further, people with disability have a right to good quality housing which is accessible, affordable and non-institutional. People with disability have a right to live in the community with access to support to participate and have a good quality of life.
Our Mission
AMIDA is an independent advocacy organisation which advocates for good housing for people with disability. We provide advocacy to individuals, with priority given to people with an intellectual disability, and advocate for change in systems which prevent people from achieving good housing.
AMIDA strongly supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability and works to assert these rights and community inclusion for people with a disability.
Becoming a member of AMIDA
Anybody who agrees with our aims can become a member of AMIDA. Becoming a member of AMIDA means you can participate in activities and can be part of decisions about the work we do.
AMIDA aims are to:
- Lobby for a range of safe, secure, accessible and affordable housing options for people with a disability.
- Liaise with government agencies, and interested community organisations and persons to improve services for people with a disability, especially people with an intellectual disability and make sure that housing and support services treat people with disabilities with respect and dignity.
- Work with community organisations to ensure they are accessible to people with disabilities.
- Foster local community support, acceptance and involvement of people with disabilities, especially people with an intellectual disability.
- Ensure that people with a disability, especially intellectual disability, who participate in AMIDA gain and maintain control of their own lives.
- Develop the management skills of people with intellectual disabilities on the Committee and encourage representation by people with intellectual disabilities on the Committee to exceed 50% of Committee members.
AMIDA includes its members by:
- holding general meetings for AMIDA members
- distributing newsletters every three months
- valueing and supporting peoples involvement
AMIDA has general meetings and attending these is one way of becoming involved.
Once you are a member, you will receive the 3 monthly newsletters. This will keep you up to date with what is happening at AMIDA. The newsletter will tell you about meetings that we run. If you want to have a say in our newsletter and need support, we can help you.
You can become a member of AMIDA by filling out the Membership Form. New members are always welcome. Membership is free.
Becoming part of the management of AMIDA
If you wish to be part of the management of AMIDA, you can do so by joining the management committee.
Each year AMIDA members elect a new management committee. A letter is sent to all members, calling for nominations, and advertising the Annual General Meeting. If you want to be nominated for the committee, you need to fill out a NOMINATE form.
The job of managing AMIDA involves time and energy from the people who are on the committee. People on the management committee have to decide on what happens at AMIDA. It is not a paid job but you can gain skills and help us do our work.
The management committee is responsible for:
- Planning what AMIDA should do to achieve its aims;
- Making sure that AMIDA funds are spent properly;
- Managing the workers;
- Reviewing AMIDAs work;
- Directing the workers on what work they should do;
- Ensuring we meet the required standards in the service we provide;
The committee meets on Tuesdays from 10am-1pm every 2 months.
You can also have a say in the management of AMIDA by joining sub-committees, campaigns, or by giving your ideas to workers and to the management committee.
For more information about the Management Committee and these other activities, contact AMIDA on 9650 2722 or e-mail amida@amida.org.au
AMIDA’S constitution
Because AMIDA is an independent organisation, it has a ‘AMIDA Constitution (pdf) AMIDAConstitution (txt) which is a list of rules for running the organisation.
AMIDA is run by its members and has rules that all members have to follow. These include things like meeting procedures, voting procedures, the way the management committee should work and how to become a member. There is a copy of our constitution or rules available for members and service users.
Some other important services which can provide advice and information to people with disabilities go to links page. For more information about AMIDA and the range of services we provide, contact:
AMIDA -Action for More Independence and Dignity in Accommodation First Floor, Suite 1.11, Ross House247 Flinders Lane MELBOURNE, 3000 PHONE: 9650 2722 FAX: 9654 8575 Email : amida@amida.org.au Office Hours Monday and Tuesday 9.30-5pm, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am-4pm and Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm. The answering machine is on if we are not in the office. Please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Who can use AMIDA 15.8.11? Or follow this link to our Referring Clients to AMIDA (pdf) Referring Clients to AMIDA (word)