3CR Community Radio AM 855 – Raising Our Voices is a radio program about topical issues and lived experiences produced by people with disabilities.
Back in 1987, a dedicated group of people with an intellectual disability who were passionate about their rights decided they needed a voice on Melbourne’s airwaves. They got support from Reinforce, a self-advocacy group, AMIDA, a housing rights group for people with a disability and community radio 3CR 855am.
The result was the birth of a self-advocacy radio program prepared and presented by people with a disability. “Raising Our Voices” has been raising the issues that people with a disability have, in their own words and voices for 32 years in 2019.
The Raising Our Voices self-advocacy group has delivered a half hour radio show every month since August 1987 and has covered a variety of issues about housing, abuse in institutions, young people in nursing homes, and the goal of community living for all people with a disability.
Recent programs have covered:
- The “Shut In Campaign” which is working to get all people with a disability out of institutions
- Public Transport in Melbourne
- Self Advocacy
Raising Our Voices goes to air the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6.00pm on 3CR.
We are always looking for more people to become involved in the show, so if you would like to help plan the show or to speak on radio, please call AMIDA on 9650 2722 or Email : amida@amida.org.au
All people with disabilities are welcome.
Tune in at 6pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month;

3CR is a useful link: You can also listen to our show via a pod cast on this site. Follow the link then click on pod casts and scroll down to Raising Our Voices.
The Raising Our Voices Code of conduct
Please like and follow Raising Our Voices on Facebook
To see the Raising our Voices podcast page on the 3CR website click here http://www.3cr.org.au/raisingourvoices
Click on download for the latest show or contact the AMIDA office for copies of past shows on 9650 2722 or e-mail amida@amida.org.au