Action for More Independence and Dignity in Accommodation Annual Report 2018 Advocacy, Self-Advocacy, Rights, Accessibility, and Community Living for People with a Disability 1st Floor, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: 9650 2722 Fax 9654 8575 Email: Web: Annual General Meeting 10th October 2018 AGENDA 10.00 Register Attendance 10.15 Welcome and Acknowledgement 10.20 Present/Apologies Endorsement of new members Confirm Minutes of the Previous AGM 10.30 Chairperson's Report 10.15 Treasurer's Report- Confirm auditor 10.20 Activities Report – AMIDA advocacy, SARU and Special Projects Partnerships and Voice at the Table 11.00 Nomination for and Election of committee members 12 noon Celebration Lunch 1.00 Close of meeting AMIDA AGM 10th October, 2017 MINUTES Present: Janice Slattery, John Slattery, Susan Arthur, Lincoln Humphreys, Chris Lowe, Norrie Blythman, Carmel Laragy, Graham Binding, Amanda Millear, Lisa Wulfsohn, Pam Geoghegan, James Teekan, Esther Harris, Andrew Maurice, Julie Brasington, David Walker, Lisa Brumtis, Jeff Shaw, Peter Waters, Sue Smith, Jacqui Ward, Jan Coles, Ray Groves, Pauline Williams, Jane Rosengrave, Sally de Beche, Mel Keely, Susan Brunton, Gabrielle Dickinson Apologies: Colin Hiscoe, Peta Ferguson, Ariane Garner-Williams, Karen Gughelmi, Rosie Furmeister Minutes of the previous AGM: ‘that the minutes be accepted as a true and correct record’ Moved - John Slattery Seconded - Susan Arthur Carried Chairperson’s Report: Presented by Peter Waters Activities Report: Presented by Pauline Williams SARU report presented by Jacqui Ward Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Lincoln Humphreys Moved - Lincoln Humphreys Seconded - John Slattery Carried Resolution: ‘that AMIDA appoints Collins & Co as the Financial Auditor from the 2017/18 financial year’ Moved - Carmel Laragy Seconded - Lincoln Humphreys Carried Elections: The Chair was handed to the Returning Officer, Esther Harris. There were two continuing members: Carmel Laragy James Teeken Nominations were received prior to the meeting from: Peter Waters Luke Stone Norrie Blythman Amanda Millear Lincoln Humphreys ‘that the above nominations for the committee be accepted’ Moved - John Slattery Seconded - Carmel Laragy Carried Esther Harris declared that the above are elected for 2 years. Other nominations were called for from the floor. No further nominations were received. Anyone interested in joining the Committee can contact the office. AMIDA has the ability to co-opt committee members after the AGM. Congratulations to all committee members. Peter Waters resumed the Chair and declared all formal parts of the meeting are completed. He invited everyone to have a short break and come back for the Launch of the ROV 30th Anniversary CD. After a short break Peter invited people to speak about their experience and memories of ROV. The following people spoke: Amanda Millear spoke about the beginning of ROV. Jane, James, Janice, Norrie, Lachlan, Susan, John, Lisa, Jeff and Peter spoke. After the launch everyone enjoyed lunch and the meeting closed at 1.30pm. Chairpersons Report - Peter Waters It is kind of funny over my years at AMIDA I have seen many changes and we have grown into a bigger and better organisation with more projects and of course, more workers. I would like to welcome all our new workers and hope they are enjoying their role now and into the future. I would like to also thank you all for your tireless work and dedication. Thank you again to you all. This year one of our main advocacy co-ordinators, Gabrielle Dickinson, left us and what a worker she was. Gabrielle not only did advocacy but did a lot more such as the newsletter, minutes at monthly meetings many, many hours on policies that AMIDA has in place today. She was a friend to us all and will be sorely missed but we wish her a happy retirement. On a sad note, we all lost a great friend in the late Esther Harris. Why I write about Esther is she was our Returning Office for the AGM. So at our AGM today let’s think about Esther. She was a great advocate and supporter of AMIDA. We also lost the late Andrew Daly, who was a long time member and made our day every time we saw him with a kind smile and the question, “Does your hair blow in the wind?” Our projects seem to get bigger and bigger. They include NDIS Appeals Advocacy, which is doing important work to improve the NDIS. The SARU, Wow! It’s hard to believe that we celebrated 10 years in June. Self-advocacy groups came together to celebrate their growing strength with a fabulous party. The SARU projects are too many to write about here but do read our activities report on all of these. Finally if you are sitting here today asking yourself, “What can I do to help AMIDA?” I say to you, come on board. Sit with us and help take AMIDA into the future. Talk to any board member about what’s involved. From my point of view AMIDA has grown from a 2 person shop to a 30 plus powerhouse. As chair I am very proud of each and every one of our committee members but most of all our workers. Thank you all. Peter Waters Chairperson of AMIDA AMIDA acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government AMIDA also acknowledges the support of the Commonwealth Government. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Peter Waters Chairperson Carmel Laragy Treasurer Norrie Blythman Secretary James Teeken Committee Member Amanda Millear Amanda Millear Committee Member Luke Stone Committee Member Lisa Brumtis Committee Member (Appointed to a vacant position) Justin O’Brien Committee Member (Appointed to a vacant position) Lincoln Humphreys Committee Member (Resigned during the year) AMIDA WORKERS to 30th June 2018 Gabrielle Dickinson Housing Rights/Coordinator (resigned) Pauline Williams Projects Coordinator Pam Geoghegan NDAP Advocate/IT Bronwyn Trickett NDAP and NDIS Appeals Advocate Koula Sarimichaelidis Administration/Finance Kathryn Aedy NDIS Appeals Advocate Susan Brunton NDIS Appeals Advocate Judy Bourke NDIS Appeals Advocate Leah McMahon NDIS Appeals Advocate Gab Reade Radio Technical Producer Self-Advocacy Resource Unit Sue Smith SARU/ ASAP Projects Jacqui Ward SARU /VSAN/DBV Projects Jan Coles Transitions Project Dean Dadson SARU/Innovations/ Transitions Projects Sally De Beche SARU ASAP Project Melanie Keely SARU/Partnerships Julie Brassington Partnerships Project Larissa Mac Farlane Partnerships Project Michael McEvoy Voice at the Table Amy Lassett Voice at the Table Kylie Thurborn Innovations/Transitions Rebecca Rowe SARU/Partnerships/ Transitions Charity Sims-Jenkins Innovations/Transitions Rebecca Biddle VSAN/Peer Advisor Jane Rosengrave Peer Advisor Francesca Lee VSAN/Peer Advisor Colleen Dehne Deaf Blind Victorians Heather Lawson Deaf Blind Victorians Michelle Stevens Deaf Blind Victorians Paola Avila Deaf Blind Victorians Trudy Ryall Deaf Blind Victorians AMIDA Activities Report July 2016- June 2017 Key issues Lack of affordable and accessible housing and increases in waiting lists for public and community housing An influx of referrals for advocacy which reflect the stress people with a disability are under due to lack of housing and other factors such as loss or lack of supports. Systemic Advocacy 1. Submission to the Senate Joint Standing Committee on the Transitional Arrangements for the NDIS 2. Submission to the Victorian Government on a Registration and Accreditation scheme for the Victorian Disability workforce. 3. Input to the Public Housing Renewal Program 4. Submission into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Bill 5. Participation in Disability Network Forum development of Empowered Lives which outlines the key systemic issues facing Victorians with disability 6. Participated in a RoundTable on violence against people with a disability in institutional setting. 7. Participated in a think tank on Specialist Disability Accommodation 8. Participated in the Australian Self Advocacy Project (ASAP) and promoting group self-advocacy across governments. When requests for input come to AMIDA we assess each one against our vision and mission and the strategic priorities we have developed. We also respond to the issues arising in our advocacy work. We have collaborated with many organisations. These include Victorian Council of Social Services and its members, Office of the Public advocate, Summer Foundation, Australian Human Rights Commission, Disability Advocacy Network Australia, Disability Advocacy Resource Unit and the Self Advocacy Resource Unit Advocacy strategies have included RoundTable discussion to develop positions, submission writing, participation in research informing others submissions, provide advice to development of community projects and proposals. Details of progress and incremental outcomes include; 1. Changes have begun to Victorian Tenancy law which were the subject of consultation we participated in last year and the Minister responsible wrote to us saying that our comments and submissions have informed these changes. 2. Public Housing Renewal will be informed by the new Disability State Plan both which we imputed submissions to, and it will now require -Increase suitable housing. -Incorporate the Livable housing design guidelines (gold level) into housing estate renewal projects. -Performance of maintenance and upgrades on 700 department – run disability accommodation properties. Raising Our Voices Self Advocacy Group - the radio show 2017/18 has been our 31st year of supporting people with a disability having the opportunity to be involved in the Raising Our Voices self-advocacy group which produces its own radio show on 3CR - 855am. This self-advocacy group gives people the opportunity to air their views, their own stories and also tackles systemic issues. The show goes to air on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6pm and is supported by a dedicated team of broadcasters. Representatives also met with the CEO of the NDIA and participated in Victoria Self Advocacy Network. Topics this year have included: * Peter and Pauline remember Terry Stanton, a strong self-advocate who helped bring about positive change. We discuss transitioning to the NDIS.  * Amanda, Pauline and Lachlan are talking Air travel and Accessibility.  Can you travel with your wheelchair?  What kind of support is there for you? * Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). What it is? What changes does it bring? Jeff, Lisa and Peta share their experiences of ABI and swap tips on the war on ignorance * Over several shows we celebrated 30 years on air this year and we are still celebrating! We've been going through the archives from the last 5 years since our 25th anniversary compilation and brought you some of the amazing voices and conversations raised in support of self-advocacy for people for a disability. Featured presenters were: Lisa, James, Amanda, Maria, Helen, Tim, Ray, Peter, Jane, Norrie, Sue, Ariane, Lachlan, Peta, Jeff, Pauline, Colin, Luke, Janice, Luke, John and Susan. * Kathryn joins Pete this month to talk about NDIS appeals process. What do you do if something is missing from your plan or your support needs change? * Lachlan and James share their stories of housing and living independently with a disability * Norrie, Peter, James and Amanda share their stories of living in and travelling around independently in Melbourne.  * John, Luke, Susan and Pam talk about football and accessibility and inclusion * Maria, Nelson and Lachlan talk about sport and disability * Celebrate another great year of Raising Our Voices at the Live Radiothon show with Jane and Norrie Thanks to everyone who participated, supported and produced shows on issues important to people with a disability. There are always many people with a disability who are part of this group and directly involved in the planning, presentation and interviewing for the show. Thanks to Gab Reade, our wonderful technical producer. Thanks also to 3CR. Copies of the shows are available on CD. Shows can be listened to live on your computer if your radio doesn’t pick up 3CR. Just go to We also have podcasts of the show on our website Information, Advice, Referral and Individual Advocacy During 2017/18 we continued to provide information, advice, referral and individual advocacy to people with a disability. This comes from our National Disability Advocacy Program and the NDIS Appeals Advocacy. In total we were able to provide information, advice and referral to 121 people with a disability and community organisations. Many people were provided with information at forums, conferences and education sessions as well as directly face to face and over the phone and email. 183 people were provided with direct individual advocacy, family advocacy or self-advocacy support There are numerous issues but there are a few that provide a challenge to our advocacy and these have been communicated to government. There is also no clear communication channel between advocacy and the NDIA to resolve these issues and others that arise. * The NDIA will still not provide copies of our clients NDIA Plans directly to advocates. This makes it very difficult to effectively advocate. Despite formal consent given by clients the NDIA refuses to supply plan to advocates. * The NDIA are requiring advocates give the NDIA their own personal date of birth. This is unnecessary information for the NDIA to have and is not required for the provision of advocacy and is a breach of privacy of the advocate. * All advocacy agencies have quickly reached capacity and cannot take on all the requests for advocacy coming to us as a result of poor decisions by the NDIA in relation to participants, particularly those in their 2nd plan who are experiencing routine cut backs to their plans. * Supports have been withdrawn in Victoria from DHHS and other funded services as funds shift to NDIS and not all these clients will be eligible for NDIS. * Lack of information, advice and advocacy for people in the Supported Residential Services in Victoria and an unclear rights framework with the transition of the NDIS * No dedicated funded for preplanning or application support for people with a disability wanting to access the NDIA. * Lack of clarity about Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), including tenancy rights with safeguards, how to prove and maintain eligibility if you move house, issues about the fairness of the subsidies and how to generate housing options through SDA Disseminating information about AMIDA and improving access to AMIDA We produced 3 newsletters. We have tried to include important information that we receive from government and the community as well as our own activities. Thanks to all the members who made contributions as these are most welcome. The newsletters and lots of other information including our recent submissions are on our web site The Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) AMIDA continues to support the SARU. There has been a lot happening at the SARU over the last 12 months. We received project funding from the Office for Disability, the Victorian Government NDIS Transition team and the NDIS. The number of people working at the SARU has also increased. These projects include: Transitions Funding The transitions funding has enabled SARU to provide extra support to strengthen self-advocacy groups and to help make them sustainable into the future. Victorian Self Advocacy Network The past 12 months have been busy for the Victorian Self Advocacy Network (VSAN) following on from the successful VSAN Transport Forum in 2017. SARU workers and peer advisors met with most of the self-advocacy groups around Victoria to talk about ILC (Information, Linkages and Capacity Building) funding and what it means for groups. We had a great turn out at June’s VSAN ILC Forum. This was a chance for groups to workshop future project plans, find resources, connect with each other and hear from ILC’s Anna Burke, DHHS transitions workers and SARU. The second half of 2018 has been about developing project ideas into ILC submissions. SARU has made ILC Project Kits for groups to turn their bright ideas into detailed, well-thought-out projects. SARU and peer advisors have worked together with groups on priority projects that came out of the VSAN ILC Forum. We will now be supporting up to 7 groups to apply for ILC funding for projects beginning mid-2019. The Partnerships Project The partnership project has supported three self-advocacy groups to partner with community organisations. The Positive Powerful Parents Self Advocacy Group (PPP) have partnered with the Parenting Research Centre to make some training for child protection workers.  PPP held a parent meeting to find out what other parents want child protection to know.  17 parents with intellectual disability and 2 babies came to the meeting, it was very successful.  The PRC have written a report with the findings of the day.  PPP are now organising a child protection forum to share the findings with child protection workers. Banner from PPP parent meeting Brain Injury Matters (BIM) are making an app for people with brain injury. BIM have partnered with other Acquired Brain Injury groups to make the app.  BIM have also partnered with the Summer foundation to launch and promote the app. Diversity n Disability (DnD) are researching the best way to grow self-advocacy for people from ethnic backgrounds.  DnD have partnered with the Shepparton Ethnic council and the Ethnic Community Council of Victoria to do this.  DnD are running 2 self-advocacy feasts in October, one in Shepparton and one in Broadmeadows. Each month the 3 groups get together to talk about their projects and share what they are learning.  The groups are going to make a resource kit to help other self-advocacy groups make partnerships and work well with other organisations. Innovations Grants The Innovations grants provided four self-advocacy groups with funding to support them with awareness raising and other activities. The four groups who received funding are: * Rainbow Rights Advocacy Group * DeafBlind Victoria * New Wave Self Advocacy Group * All Abilities Advocacy South West DeafBlind Victoria Rainbow Rights Advocacy Group New Wave Office Launch Voice at the Table (VATT) VATT is a project that aims to address some of the barriers people with intellectual disabilities and acquired brain injury face, in exercising their right to civic, social and political participation.  Through training and other resources we aim to build the capacity of organisations and increase opportunities for people with cognitive disabilities to inform and advise government and community organisations and services.  What opportunities do we provide?  * Training, support and a consumer advocate register for people with an ID or ABI.  * Inclusive meeting practices training, resources and support for government, community organisations and service providers.  * We also connect groups to Voice at the Table graduates who are able to offer their expertise.  More info at:  Australian Self Advocacy Project The Australian Self Advocacy Project (ASAP) received funding from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to work with self-advocacy groups around Australia to write a plan about the best way to support and strengthen self-advocacy. The plan included the need to set up Self Advocacy Resource Centres in every state and territory. The plan was sent to the NDIA and we are waiting to hear if they will provide funding to set up the resource centres. Cover of the National Plan Report National Self Advocacy Conference Melbourne In November 2017 the ASAP project worked with self-advocacy groups to hold the first National Self Advocacy Conference in 30 years. It was a great success. The ASAP project also received funding to set up a National Self Advocacy Website. We met with self-advocacy groups around Australia to find out what self-advocates wanted on the website and how to make the website accessible for everyone. The groups said they wanted videos and easy to understand information on the website. The website will be finished by the end of December. Treasurers Report – Carmel Laragy For the 2017/2018 financial year, for the first time, AMIDA had an income of over $3 million. We have spent all of this on providing advocacy and self-advocacy resourcing to people with a disability. A small surplus of $12,619 is due to the Accruals Accounting practice which shows amounts invoiced by AMIDA that have not yet been paid. We have a very healthy equity of $79,172 and have accounted for all our liabilities including worker entitlements. The financial report shows that AMIDA has grown as an organisation in the last year. Some of this funding has been provided on a short-term basis to finance various projects. For example, AMIDA received funding from Victorian Government bodies The Department of Health and Human Services and the Office for Disability for the Innovations, Transition and Information Linkages and Capacity building projects. In summary, the 2017/2018 financial report indicates AMIDA is in a strong position to meet its financial obligations for the subsequent financial year. 9 1